The series was conceived when screenwriter Krzysztof Piesiewicz , who had seen a 15th-century artwork illustrating the Commandments in scenes from that time period, suggested the idea of a modern equivalent. Dekalog was admired by critics and important figures from the film industry, such as Stanley Kubrick. Written in little over a year and a half and done with a budget that any Hollywood production would consider ridiculous, Krysztof Kieslowski and Krysztof Piesiewicz created some of the most thought provoking and emotional films of all time with this miniseries. Follow Vague Visages via Email Enter your email address to follow Vague Visages and receive notifications of new posts by email. Its ten hour-long films, drawing from the Ten Commandments for thematic inspiration and an overarching structure, grapple deftly with complex moral and existential questions concerning life, death, love, hate, truth, and the passage of time. They deal with the emotional turmoil suffered by humanity...